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The advantages of Studying Abroad

網站:公文素材庫 | 時間:2019-05-17 09:29:35 | 移動端:The advantages of Studying Abroad

Yuzhou Mu

Amy Metcalf

HI R/www.weilaioem.comore authoritative than my country’s teachers. Also, pronunciation is very important for studying English. I believe that foreign teacher’s pronunciation is the most precise. As www.weilaioem.comust blend into local culture. This www.weilaioem.com have parents studying abroad. This is to say they www.weilaioem.com and www.weilaioem.comportant for us.

In conclusion, studying abroad is good for students. Studying abroad also can broaden our horizons, and enhance the knowledge. Studying abroad can make young people to become more powerful.

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